Hello me lovelies
Today i decided to make a motivation board with fat photo's, motivating words and my progress so far, this still has more things to be added to it but that will happen over time, anyhoo here it is...

What do you think??
It is also kept in my kitchen so if i try to binge this will stop me and make me think about my journey and how far i have come!!
Anyhoo here's what my food looked like today on Extra Easy...
Half a melon
400ml of sugar free juice
Half a melon
400ml of sugar free juice
Leftover cous cous from yesterday (1.5 Syns)
Mullerlight smooth toffee yogurt
Leftover cous cous from yesterday (1.5 Syns)
Mullerlight smooth toffee yogurt
Asda meat free bolognese with pasta
30g finely grated cheese (HEA)
Mullerlight smooth toffee yogurt with sliced banana
2 tsp Maple syrup (1 syn)
Asda meat free bolognese with pasta
30g finely grated cheese (HEA)
Mullerlight smooth toffee yogurt with sliced banana
2 tsp Maple syrup (1 syn)
Options belgian choc vanilla drink (1.5 syns)
2 SW Rocky roads (HEB)
Sml ham and egg omelette
1 tbsp Asda reduced fat salad cream (1 syn)
Options belgian choc vanilla drink (1.5 syns)
2 SW Rocky roads (HEB)
Sml ham and egg omelette
1 tbsp Asda reduced fat salad cream (1 syn)
Total Syns
Thats all from me today me lovelies and thank you for stopping by here and for any sweet comments you may leave me :)
Till next time...
hugs and xxx
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